Demand driven co-creation in eHealth
inDemand is a new model where Healthcare organizations and companies co-create eHealth solutions, with the economic support of regional funds. H2020 EU project coordinated by Ticbiomed.
Why is this model innovative?
inDemand applies at the same time demand-driven and co-creation approaches. The outcoming digital health solutions will have a high chance of success because they have been proposed and developed side by side with healthcare organizations
inDemand is being implemented in 3 pilot regions: Murcia Region (Spain), Paris Region (France) and Oulu Region (Finland).
A new co-creation model for Digital Health
inDemand solves the challenges identified by the customer -the Healthcare organizations-. That’s why we talk about a demand driven model!
This approach is going to increase the capacity of health entities to systematically identify and solve their needs while creating opportunities for private companies.
Co-creation process added value
The expected results are digital solutions with a high success rate -in terms of their application in practice/market uptake- because they have been developed side by side with the client.
More information on the official website.