
Artificial Intelligence to drive hospital care into the future
The AICCELERATE project develops a cloud-based tool that combines Artificial Intelligence and robotics to promote a state-of-the-art hospital model through three concrete pilots that will incorporate new processes to optimise the patient flow in surgical units and rooms, will promote early detection and a digital care pathway for Parkinson’s disease patients, as well it will provide services for paediatrics patients.
Nowadays, most Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions applied to the health sector are limited to isolated applications. For this reason, scalable models that address data sharing, integration, privacy, and ethics are needed to ensure better adoption of AI in healthcare fields.
In this sense, AICCELERATE’s approach extends digital solutions compatible with AI for different hospital use cases, aimed at improving patient care. With the innovative solution developed within the project, hospital challenges and problems can be addressed from two perspectives: the patient’s vision and on the other hand, the hospital management.
The consortium of the AICCELERATE project, coordinated by the Helsinki University Hospital (HUS), is formed by 16 partners from 8 different European countries. Ticbiomed coordinates the work within the communication, dissemination and exploitation of the project outcomes.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 101016902.