business support
in eHealth
We help you to improve your competitiveness. We support you to grow internationally. We assist you to master legal & regulatory challenges. We ease access to private financing. eHealth Hub is a EU-funded initiative, coordinated by Ticbiomed.
eHealth Hub is a new EU-funded initiative that is cross-border and exclusively focused on the digital health vertical. It will provide long-term support to the ecosystem stakeholders and address key challenges facing European SMEs in this space: fine-tuning a business model, securing investments, engaging the demand-side and accelerating commercialization, getting legal and regulatory guidance to develop solutions in compliance with a multi-layer complex framework.
eHealth Hub’s goal is to provide high-quality, vertically-focused and business-oriented services tailored to the needs of European eHealth SMEs and stakeholders, and to secure their continuation after the project end via a sustainable support structure.
The eHealth Hub project will make progress towards this objective by:
– creating and maintaining a variety of activities helping to attract investment to SMEs;
– supporting the development of their successful business models and the acceleration of their commercialization;
– creating an EU-wide network of legal and regulatory guidance providers;
– and developing partnerships with healthcare organizations, major networks, investors and other stakeholders.
eHealth Hub will use a demand-driven approach to promote new business and collaboration opportunities for SMEs and key ecosystem stakeholders including healthcare provider organizations, investors, insurers, pharma and medtech groups.
Our target
eHealth Hub plans to involve over 700 SMEs in its activities, developing partnerships with major European and international e-health networks, health care organizations, investors and other stakeholders, setting up a sustainable network of contacts and the market basis to generate business growth for the digital Health providers in the EU.
More information on the project official website.