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Three activities not to miss this year in Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) if you are leading digital transformation

The outstanding actions organised by the Innovation to Market (I2M) aim to bridge the gap between adopters of innovation (healthcare and social organisations) and solution providers. Running between 2019-2020.

Matchmaking Sessions | Find your perfect match on AHA 



Submit your AHA need until 14th November 2019

Implementing a digital solution in healthcare organisations such as hospitals or insurers, is quite challenging. Solutions need to fit the professionals’ workflow and specific requirements, and clinicians rarely have the time to scout in detail for market offerings. On the other hand, solution providers usually have cutting edge technology ready to improve healthcare delivery but find extremely difficult to showcase their product to healthcare professionals. 

This activity: a gathering in 4YFN –the start-up event of the world’s largest exhibition for the mobile industry– where selected solution providers will meet and network with healthcare organisations that have identified an organisational need. The objective is to facilitate mutual understanding and networking to solve the challenge. 

Target participants:

  • Healthcare providers, insurers and pharmaceutical companies looking for a concrete AHA digital solution
  • AHA solutions providers

Deadline: 14th November 2019 to submit needs / 24th January 2020 to submit solutions


Successful adoption of healthcare innovation | A participatory workshop for innovation adopters

Many buyers (whether public or private healthcare and social organisations) feel that they do not always have the appropriate skills-set to identify their own needs and guide their choices when adopting innovations.

This activity: A free participatory half-day workshop to discuss the barriers to success and how to start a successful innovation journey. Outstanding keynote speakers and experts and other European healthcare organisations leading innovation. 

Target participants: Innovative Public and Private Healthcare and/or Social Organisations, Corporates, Insurance Companies. 

Deadline: Register before the live event on 2nd December


Adoption Awards | Rewarding the Adopters of cutting-edge technology in AHA

This activity: Gives visibility and recognition to the first adopters of cutting-edge innovation in Health.

Target participants: Rewards a tandem of both adopter and supplier of innovation that have already collaborated and implemented a solution. 

The Adoption Awards will be announced soon. Stay tuned!

Bonus track: eHealth HUB Platform is now open to AHA

We invite you to join the eHealth HUB platform, the time-saver that enables you to scan the European digital health ecosystem (+800 players). There is now an opportunity to feature your organisation as a key player in Active and Healthy Ageing. 



About I2M 

Ticbiomed is a partner of the I2M Plan. We aim to advance the effective, large-scale uptake and impact of Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA), by building a comprehensive set of support and promotion services. I2M is addressed to organisations delivering AHA services and solution suppliers. It aims at facilitating relationships and increasing the impact of innovative technology-driven solutions. 
