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Repository of European COVID-19 calls


Different organisations from the digital health ecosystem are launching calls to business and healthcare organisations. The goal is to help manage the Coronavirus crisis. We have compiled them for you and will continue updating them in the coming weeks. We hope you find them useful!

*Last update: April 14th.


European ecosystem:

[EUROPEAN COMMISSION] Call for healthcare organisations to fight COVID19 – needs collection is now! [+]

[eHEALTH HUB] We are looking for digital solutions to fight Coronavirus. Register now in the eHealth Hub Platform [+]

[ECHALLIANCE] ECHAlliance shares direct Member to Member offers targeting the COVID-19 EDITION 1 [+]

[ECCP] Covid-19 Industrial Clusters Response Portal [+]

[CAIXAIMPULSE] Apply to the CaixaImpulse Express Call on the COVID-19 outbreak! [+]

[ERRIN] COVID-19 Related Member Initiatives [+]

[FRONTIERS HEALTH] Frontiers Health ecosystem companies fighting back de Covid-19 outbreak [+

[MHEALTH HUB] MHEALTH solutions for managing the Covid-19 outbreak [+]

[STARTUP HEALTH] COVID-19 Navigator [+]

[EUROPEAN COMISSION] #EUvsVirus Hackathon to develop innovative solutions and overcome coronavirus-related challenges [+]

[EUROPEAN COMMISSION] European Commission supports the Global Hack, a global tech movement to combat the coronavirus [+]

[FLANDERS’ CARE] Care & Industry together against CORONA [+]

[HIMSS] HIMSS Covid-19 Digital Think Tank where healthcare professionals can share best practices about how to best test, triage and treat patients and manage their facilities during the pandemic [+]

[EUROPEAN COMMISSION] Coronavirus: Commission adopts Recommendation to support exit strategies through mobile data and apps [+]

[REGIONE LOMBARDIA – ITALY] Measure to support the development of collaborations for the identification of therapies and diagnostic, protection and analysis systems to combat Coronavirus and other viral emergencies of the future [+]

[COVERNMENT OF THE NETHERLANDS] Invitation for smart digital solutions for corona [+]


Spanish ecosystem:

[ACCIO] La Generalitat crea un portal para recoger y poner en contacto empresas que ofrezcan tecnología, material sanitario o capacidad de producción por COVIL 19 [+]  

[IGAPE] Identificación de capacidades del Sistema Gallego de Innovación en la lucha contra COVID-19 [+

[ARAGON] #AragonenMarcha para luchar frente al coronavirus [+]

[ITEMAS] ISCIII solicita con carácter urgente propuestas sobre el Covid-19 [+

[DKV] Más de 600 profesionales se unen a #MédicosfrentealCOVID [+]  

[COMUNIDAD DE MADRID] Hackathon Virtual. Una respuesta al Covid-19. [+]

[BANCO INTERAMERICANO DE DESARROLLO] IBEROAM.BID financiará proyectos regionales en apoyo a la respuesta coordinada al COVID-19 [+]

[#Design2FightCOVID] Los innovadores nos ponemos al servicio de quienes dirigen la lucha. ¿En qué os podemos ayudar? [+]

[COMUNIDAD DE MADRID] Seleccionamos los 15 mejores proyectos del hackathon virtual #MadridVenceAlVirus  [+]

[IDI] Más de cincuenta empresas solicitan formar parte de la plataforma Covid-19 del ID [+

[AYUDA DIGITAL] Plataforma de voluntari@s digitales AyudaDigitalCovid [+]



Do you have a call you want us to include in the repository? Write to us!  

Send an email to maria.lucas[@]
