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eCare chooses four innovative proposals to prototype

The European project seeks a new solution that provides comprehensive management of frailty in older adults

The bidding process of the eCare proyect cuyos compradores representan a proveedores de atención médica de Italia, Alemania y España) ha seleccionado, entre ocho propuestas innovadoras, las cuatro soluciones más prometedoras en the comprehensive management of frailty in older adults. These are already in the prototype development phase, which will last 10 months.

The chosen providers are Forth, Televes, Evidenze and Bilbest, which will advance in the development of the prototype of the proposed solutions:

  1. FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas) in consortium with Uni Systems Information Technology Systems. From Greece, we offer a holistic technology platform called BONVITA. The goal is to integrate all the essential components for effective screening, prevention and management of frailty and pre-frailty.
  2. TELEVES, in consortium with the Foundation for Biomedical Research of the University Hospital of Getafe, MG Biomed SL and the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The solution proposed by the Spanish group is based on a set of technologies that form a monitoring subsystem for screening and follow-up, a digitized care model and a virtual assistant.
  3. Evidenze (formerly Pulso), in consortium with Atenzia, also from Spain, propose SOFI. It is a solution that will use different tools to detect frailty and pre-frailty in older adults from a clinical, physical, psychological and socioeconomic point of view.
  4. Bilbest Bilişim Sağlık Eğitim Dış Ticaret ve San. Ltd. Şti en consorcio con Estudios Mega SL y Zadig SRL (Turkey, Spain and Italy). The SmartFOR management system, powered by artificial intelligence, brought about early care interruption in the monitoring, prediction and prevention of adult frailty.

During this new phase, the objective will be to verify that the main characteristics of the prototype meet the functional requirements and the expected performance.

Following evaluation at the end of this 10-month period, the top two prototypes are offered the chance to continue proof of concept at buyers’ sites.

